Devlog Initiated

Ah, so this is my first actual post to my devlog. Since I already worked a lot on the project, talking about new changes does not seem to make much sense. Well to start of, initially this project was created with LOVE2D using Lua code. However, I had my boyfriend program for it and due to my inexperience with Lua, the project kinda fell short. I couldn't work on anything but graphics, and my pace is a bit faster than my boyfriend's so I felt everything would be faster if I made it myself from scratch with Unity. It's far less viable, but it is far easier for me to work with too as I have Unity experience from my classes. So for now the clientside is written in C# and server-side is Node.JS that I am thankfully also familiar with (albeit not as powerful as Phoenix/Elixir that my boyfriend was sweet to note. But way easier to use!) 

So just getting started for real has been a hassle. So many choices, languages, possibilities, and what is best for this scenario and yadda yadda. But here we are! Currently I am facing issues on making TextMeshPro work with my bitmap fonts. I tried following a lot of guides with Hinted Raster, custom size to 16, and the like, but still they are being rendered fuzzily. 

As everyone can see on above image, the fonts are far from crisp and nice to look at. Hopefully I'll figure this out soon enough!

Hi from Avalin!

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